Nordic Journalist Centre (NJC) has been awarded the Nordic Cooperation Prize 2024, a new prize established by The Norden Association Sweden (Föreningen Norden Sverige). The prize honors collaborations that strengthen ties between Nordic countries.
On June 13th, NJC received the prize at a ceremony at the Nordic Museum in Stockholm, attended by Nordic International board members Ann Linde and Carin Balfe Arbman.

For over 65 years, NJC has contributed to Nordic cooperation by organizing courses and conferences for journalists. The organization, based at the Danish School of Media and Journalism in Aarhus, plays an important role in promoting freedom of expression and press freedom in the region.
John Frølich, head of NJC, expressed great joy over the award and emphasized that the prize will be used to strengthen journalism throughout the Nordic region, with a particular focus on the North Atlantic.
Josefin Carlring, Secretary General of The Norden Association Sweden, highlighted the importance of credible journalism as a counterbalance to misinformation and polarization.
The prize was awarded by a jury consisting of prominent Nordic representatives, including:
- Åsa Torstensson, former Chair of the Norden Association Sweden (Chair of the Jury)
- Sanne Houby-Nielsen, Director and CEO of the Nordic Museum
- Svein Berg, Managing Director of Nordic Innovation
- Lotta Finstorp, Governor of Norrbotten County, former Member of Parliament (Moderate Party)
- Ella Turta, Program Coordinator at Hanaholmen, Union Board Member and Board Member of the Norden Association
- Anders Hansen, Chair of the Nordic Youth Council
A total of 35 nominations were received for the prize, from which Nordic Journalist Centre was chosen as the winner.
Read more about the prize and the jury’s work here.