Mats Hellström
Mats Hellström is the former Minister of Foreign Trade, EU-Affairs- Nordic Issues and Agriculture. Previously, he was the Ambassador to Germany and Governor of the Province of Stockholm.

Caroline Edelstam
Caroline Edelstam is the co-founder and President of the Edelstam Foundation, Executive Director of the Edelstam Institute of Education for Human Rights and International Affairs. Previously, she held the position of Fundraising Director at Ersta Diakoni and Secretary-General of AMREF-Flying Doctors Sweden (African Medical & Research Foundation).

Ann Linde
Ann Linde is the former Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Minister for EU, Trade and Nordic Affairs. She is also Special Advisor on Foreign Affairs at FEPS Foundation for European Progressive Studies.

Carin Balfe Arbman
Carin Balfe Arbman is a former Communications Director at Fryshuset and a Communications and PR Advisor with an interest in the culture and innovation sectors. She has previously served as Press Officer for Nordic cultural collaborations such as the Baltic Sea Festival and Nordic Music Days. For over 20 years, she has run Lunchnätet, a business network for women.

Mikael Sandberg
Mikael Sandberg is the Head of Culture of the National Federation of People’s Parks and Community Centres (Folkets Hus och Parker).

Linda Lingstedt
Linda Lingstedt works as a consultant at the Nordic communication agency Geelmuyden Kiese. She has a background in working voluntarily with communication issues within human rights and democracy projects.

Tommy Andersson
Tommy Andersson is the Head of Departement the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, LO, and the former President of UNI Graphical & Packaging sector.
Anna Florén
Bo Irsten
Josefin Carling is the general secretary of Föreningen Norden and co-opted to the board.