September 14th, we organized a seminar together with SKEN, the Swedish Women’s European Network and the European Commission regarding EU strategy for Gender Equality, focusing on the Istanbul Convention. The seminar was held at Europahuset in Stockholm and included the launch of the important book “Combat Violence against Women: Baltic-Nordic Women’s Civil Society Cooperation,” authored by individuals within civil society in Sweden, Finland, Latvia, and Lithuania. This anthology contributes various perspectives on gender equality in the Baltic Sea region, with a focus on strengthening and broadening the fight against violence against women.
To the left: important book “Combat Violence against Women: Baltic-Nordic Women’s Civil Society Cooperation”, to the right: some of Norden Internationals board members; Carin Balfe Arbman, Caroline Edelstam, Ann Linde and chairperson Mats Hellström.
Speakers at the seminar included Jurgita Peciuriene from the Women’s Issues Information Centre in Lithuania, Dagmar Freudenberg from the Development of Wider Cooperation in Civil Society around the Baltic Sea in Germany, Mia Hanström from Feministparaplyet in Åland, and Mats Hellström from Norden International. Also present were Cecilia Silfwerbrand, the chairperson of SKEN, who summarized the seminar, and Ann Linde, who wrote the back cover text. Gabriele Winai Ström, the Secretary-General of SKEN, framed the seminar.
In addition to the mentioned authors, Armi Janhunen, Iluta Lace, and Tarja Halonen have each written a chapter. We would like to mention that KSAN, along with several other women’s rights organizations, has prepared a shadow report on the government’s thematic report on the implementation of the Istanbul Convention. The shadow report was submitted to Grevio this week, addressing the crucial topic highlighted by both the seminar and the book.