
Norden International Association – affiliated to Norden Association

Organization Nr: 802495-5141

Modified bye-laws.

§ 1. Objective and Tasks 

The association is a politically and religiously independent association with the objective to create an assembly point for communications, contacts, and knowledge and further, to promote the Nordic collaboration within and between the individual countries, as well as outward, within the EU and the world.

The tasks mainly consist of
– Contacts
– Distribution and exchange of news, ideas, reports, and proposals
– Yearly meeting with a seminar
– Theme travels with leisure activities
– Newsletters and magazine
– Webpage with social medias
– Knowledge- and development project – future perspective
– Learning and further education for leaders
– Citizen Information

§ 2. Organization and Base
The Association is a web association conforming to the principle of openness in regard to membership regardless of residence. A board elected on a yearly basis administrates and represents the association’s operations and assets.

The Association is based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Association is a member of the Norden Association in Sweden.

§ 3. Membership and Fee
The Association consists of individual, private persons, and legal persons and entities. Each and every one who agrees to the Association’s objective and bye-laws, and pays the membership fee, can become a member. The membership fee is decided by the yearly meeting. A legal entity can become a supporting member in agreement with the Board of the Association. The membership fee for a supporting member is decided by the yearly meeting.

Exclusion, please see § 8.

§ 4. Yearly Meeting

4.1. Date
The yearly meeting is to be hold before the end of February. An additional meeting is required when the board or a minimum of a fourth of the debarments’ members demand for a meeting in writing. The board decides on time and venue for the yearly meeting. The yearly meeting is to be summoned or announced to the members in suitable manner at the latest, 14 days before the meeting.

4.2. Right to Vote
Every member has the right to vote (not supporting member). The right to vote cannot be practiced through a representative. It is an open voting, and if demanded by election, a secret ballot. In case of evenly divided votes, the principle of drawing of lots is to be practiced, and as for the rest, the Chair has a casting vote.

4.3 Term of Election / Time of Appointment
The board is elected for a period of one or two years, which is decided by the yearly meeting. If a period of two years of appointment is chosen, the board’s members are to alter.

4.4 Agenda
At the Yearly Meeting the following issues shall be treated.

1. The Meeting’s Approved Announcement
2. Appointment of Chairman and Secretary of the Meeting
3. Appointment of an Attestant of the Minutes also being the Counter of the Votes.
4. Treatment of Financial-, Annual Statement, and Annual Accounts
5. Confirmation of Balance Sheet
6. The Board’s Freedom from Liability
7. Proposals from Members
8. Proposals from the Board
9. Confirmation of Operational Plan and Budget
10. Confirmation of Membership Fees
11. Confirmation of the Number of Members of the Board and Alternate Members of the Board
12. Election of the Chairman /Chairwoman
13. Election of Additional Members of the Board and Alternate Members of the Board
14. Election of two Auditors and a Replacement.
15. Election of the Nominating Committee of Minimum one Person
16. Additional Reports
17. Closing Remarks

All documentation belonging to the association shall be available on the website.

Proposals shall be presented to the board at the latest one month in advance of the meeting and be available for all members on the website.

§5 The Board’s composition and Information


The board is responsible for preparing the yearly meeting and execution of the decisions the yearly meeting decides on, and in the best manner administer and manage the association’s assets.

5.2 Composition
The board shall consist of at least five members. The board designates a treasurer and a secretary.

5.3 Authority to Sign for the Firm
The board decides how to sign for the firm (the association).

5.4 Number of Meetings
The board shall summit at a minimum of three times per year.

5.5 Capability of making Decisions
The board is capable of making decisions if at least half of the members are present.

§6 Finances and Audit
The Association’s accounts’ year shall be the calendar year. An Annual Statement and Annual Accounts shall at the latest be presented to the Norden Association on the 31st of March each year.

§7 Amendments of Bye-laws and Additional Bye-laws
Amendments of the Association’s bye-laws shall be in accordance with the Norden Association’s Bye-laws.

§8 Exclusion
A member or a supporting member may not be excluded for any other reason than that the member has neglected to pay the decisive fees, antagonized the association’s objective and tasks, broken the association’s bye-laws or apparently damaged the association’s interests.

§9 The Association’s Dissolution
Decision regarding a dissolution is to be taken on two, following each other, yearly meetings with a minimum of four-fifths majority. In the summoning and announcement of the meeting it shall be stated that the dissolution of the association is to be treated. The association’s assets shall be transferred to the Norden Association in Sweden when a decision has been made. If the case of the association being integrated to another association, the assets are to be transferred to that organization.