Article in NORDEN – “Preserve the Nordic Culture”

Mats Hellström, Chairman of Norden International, writes an article in the Norwegian association Norden’s magazine “NORDEN”, titled “Preserve the Nordic Culture” (Ta tillvara på den nordiska kulturen).

The text emphasizes the importance of preserving and developing Nordic culture, especially in uncertain times. Mats Hellström asserts that it is essential to leave the limiting “opinion corridor” to allow cultural flourishing in interaction with other cultures. Nordic culture is rich in traditions and significantly contributes to community and cultural cohesion, with examples of influential Icelandic sagas and works by modern authors such as Jon Fosse and Marianne Fredriksson. The text also highlights the significance of Nordic art, music, and theater, showcasing major initiatives like the Nordic Youth Orchestra and various international exchanges. The importance of reciprocity and curiosity is emphasized, where cultural cross-fertilization is seen as necessary to remain relevant and constructively contribute to global dialogue. By opening up and collaborating culturally, the Nordic region can continue to be a strong cultural voice internationally.

Read the full magazine here, the specific article on page 25-26 (in Swedish).

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