14th November Norden Internationals chairperson Mats Hellström will attend a seminar regarding the new book Combat Violence Against Women.

COMBAT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, EU Strategy for Gender Equality and the Istanbul Convention. A new book with authors from Civil Society in Sweden, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania demand legislation to Combat Violence against Women.  

“The violence against women is one of our times true catastrophes. Even if thousands of women are victims the problem does not get the attention it deserves from the society, including from legislative authorites and politicians. That’s why it ́s so important that the civil society raises their voices and put the light on the problem and demand action. This anthology is doing just that. Cooperation between several organisations around the Baltic Sea points out how to make the EU strategy for equality more effective, not the least when it comes to combatting violence against women. I hope that many decision makers as well as a concerned public read this book”, Ann Linde, fm Minister for Foreign Affairs 

COMBAT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Baltic-Nordic Women’s Civil Society Co-operation. Participating authors: Armi Janhunen, Cecilia Silfwerbrand, Gabriele Winai Ström, Jurgita Peciuniere, Iluta Lace, Mats Hellström, Mia Hanström, Tarja Halonen.  


13.00 Introductions by Representative of the EU Commission and  Norden International 

13.15 Civil society to Combat violence against Women, Rebecca Andersson, Unizon, Sweden, Jurgita Peciuriene, Women’s Issues Information Centre, Lithuania, Iluta Lace, MARTA centre, Latvia  

14.00 Break  

14.15-14.45 Development of wider cooperation in Civil society around the Baltic Sea, Dagmar Freudenberg, Germany

14.45-15.00 The process to implement EU gender equality. Mats Hellström Norden International

15.00-15.30. Discussion led by Cecilia Silfwerbrand

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