Svenska kvinnors EuropaNätverk (Swedish Women’s European Network), in collaboration with Norden International, cordially invites you to a meeting at Europahuset on 4th of March, 2024, for a seminar from 1-3 PM.

How has EU and Sweden addressed violence against women in relationships?
Evin Incir, Member of the European Parliament, who serves as the lead negotiator for the directive against violence against women in the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), will discuss how the EU and Sweden have addressed violence against women in intimate relationships.
How has civil society contributed to combating violence against women?
Astrid Carsbring, representing Swedish Women’s Organizations (Women’s Lobby)
The session will include a Q&A segment for questions and discussions.
Gabriele Winai Ström, from SKEN, will provide a summary and outline the next steps.
SKEN’s book, “Combat Violence against Women – Baltic-Nordic Civil Society Cooperation,” will be available for purchase at a discounted price of 150 SEK on site. Mats Hellström and Ann Linde from Norden International have both contributed with their insights to the book.
Following the seminar, there will be a networking session over coffee and snacks. Additionally, the Swedish Women’s European Network, SKEN, will hold its annual meeting at 2:15 PM. Please register by emailing
Date: Monday 4th of March
Time: 1-3 PM
Location: Europahuset, Regeringsgatan 65
We extend a warm welcome to all attendees!
Cecilia Silfwerbrand, SKEN, and Mats Hellström, Norden International